Prattsville Community Center is designed to solve the lack of facilities and space for gathering in the current town environment. Nancy Barton, our client for the project, is aiming for diversity and interaction within the community. The project is purposed as an active community center that provides a platform for individuals with different backgrounds to gather and exchange various views. 
Flooding is one of the key considerations during the design process; combined with the reference of 四合院 (Si he yuan), a traditional and historical Chinese courtyard containing multiple programs on all sides with a central courtyard, the project starts with a central terrace courtyard that not only perform as a gathering space but also a landscape and water storage during the flooding. In contrast, the surrounding programs are lifted 4 feet above the flooding height.

Site Plan

Ground Floor Plan

Along with the two main accesses, the project is united by the roof element that acts as a landscape within the town while providing an additional layer of vertical interaction. The roof has various thicknesses to define the spaces underneath and transport rainwater. 

Sectional Perspective

Similar to the reference of 四合院 (Si he yuan), a thin roof edge on the exterior was essential and designed by a specific structural system and placement of a mechanical system in the basement.

Structural Exploded Axon

Green House Wall Section Details

The project is structured with a concrete one-way foundation due to the flooding issue and coverage for an embedded machinal system. Beyond the concrete foundation, a steel grid for the floor slab and steel-framed roof system was used to approach the thinness on the exterior. A greenhouse was introduced in the community center for a passive heating system to reduce energy costs during the winter. Alone with operable windows and a hidden fan on the roof, the greenhouse would be thermally controlled in all seasons.

Perspective From Inner Courtyard

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